Monday, April 22, 2024

[Literary Art] Poem Entry - When Writing Eludes You

Sunny days only.

Truly, only in sadness can we write.

When we mourn about things we lost,

when we yearn for things we could have, or, 

when we struggle to keep afloat.

Truly, only in sadness can we write.

When our minds can not have peace,

when our hearts are in chaos, or,

when lips tend to ve mute.

Truly, only in sadness can we write.

When every little thing makes you remember,

when every place tends to be a sanctuary, or,

when every memory is reflected and cherished.

Truly, only in sadness can we write.

For in joy, we live and hold on tight in the moment.

For in joy, the tears were just distant dreams.

For in joy, we close our eyes to wish it will last.

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