Thursday, January 26, 2023

A New Chapter

For those who discovered this blog for my Geology Reviewers, I'm so sorry that there's been a long drought for that. I've been stearing far away from my field for, I guess, almost four years now. BUT, the next two years would be the last time that I would just casually write about stuff in this blog that is not Geology related. I'm working something on the background but I really need more time for that.

At the moment though, I want to write more about my travels (10 COUNTRIES in one year, OMG!) and the tips and information that I've gathered while I was doing that. I've come to love this current lifestlye of mine where I get to see new places and meet people of different background. It's a life changer and I just want to share it with people to educate them for future trips. I want to keep on doing it more!

So, yeah. After living in Sweden for almost a year (it was only 14 days short of a full year), I am now residing in Bergen, Norway. I am kinda sad for leaving Stockholm behind but that is life. We move forward. 

More about the move later as I have to go out and reach that 10,000 steps of mine. Bergen is so rainy during winter that I can't literally do shit outside. It's kinda dangerous since every trail here is either going up or down only. (I am staying near a mountain side, so you know).

Bye for now!

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