Sunday, June 17, 2018

Another Set of Geology Review Questions

I dunno where this came from but I've used it as well. Highlighted na yung answers. But it is better to recheck. Usually, may mga errors dito eh.

Good luck.

July 11, 2011

Petrology and Mineralogy

1. A thin section is being prepared for staining test to determine what kind of feldspar is present in the sample.  Which of the following acids should be used to etch the thin section?
A. hydrofluoric acid                                      
C. cold hydrochloric acid              
B. phosphoric acid                                      
D. warm hydrochloric acid

2. After dipping an etched carbonate sample in alizarin red S solution, the following minerals will stain deep red EXCEPT
A. high magnesium calcite                       
 C. aragonite
B. ankerite                                                       
D. witherite

3. Nesosilicates are isolated SiO4 tetrahedra.  Which of the following is NOT a nesoslicate?
A. garnet                                                       
   C. epidote
B. olivine                                                          D. kyanite

4. What mineral property will BEST distinguish graphite from galena?
A. color                                                             C. cleavage
B. streak                                                           D. luster

5. Quartz comes in various colors due to presence of impurities.  Which quartz variety is given a distinct red color by hematite?
A. jasper                                                           C. citrine
B. rose quartz                                                  D. amethyst

6. How many grams is 1 carat?
A. 1 gram                                          C. 2 grams
B. 0.1 gram                                       D. 0.2 gram

7. What crystal system has three mutually perpendicular axes, of which the horizontal axes are equal in length?
A. orthorhombic                              C. isometric
B. tetragonal                                    D. hexagonal

8. What happens to the color bands in quadrants 1 and 3 as the mica plate is slowly inserted over a uniaxial positive figure?
A. move toward the center                                                       C. turn into yellow
B. move outward to the edge of the field                             D. turn into blue

9. Which of the following is the aggregate term used to describe a surface covered with a layer of small crystals?
A. acicular                                         C. capillary
B. botryoidal                                     D. drusy

10. Isotropic substances include gases, liquids, glass, and minerals of the ______ crystal system.
A. Triclinic                                                        C. Isometric
B. Monoclinic                                                  D. Hexagonal

11. The following metals occur in native form EXCEPT
A. iron                                                               C. silver
B. lead                                                               D. platinum

12. Which of the following is NOT a sulfide mineral?
A. galena                                                          C. enargite
B. bornite                                                         D. pyrrhotite

13. Which of the following gives stainless steel its high hardness, great toughness, and resistance to chemical attack?
A. chromium                                     C. iron
B. titanium                                        D. tin

14. The following belong to the same crystal system EXCEPT
A. chalcopyrite                                C. halite
B. pyrite                                             D. fluorite

15. The gem aquamarine is a blue-green colored ______.
A. quartz                                            C. jade
B. beryl                                              D. topaz

16. Which of the following is a phaneritic igneous rock with a modal content of:
Quartz = 50%, Alkali feldspar = 25% and Plagioclase = 25%?
A. gabbro                                          C. granite
B. basalt                                            D. rhyolite

17. If magma is oversaturated with respect to silica, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Quartz should precipitate from the magma and be present in the rock.
B. Olivine should precipitate from the magma and be present in the rock.
C. Sodalite should precipitate from the magma and be present in the rock.
D. Nepheline should precipitate from the magma and be present in the rock.

18.  A foliated metamorphic rock with its platy minerals big enough to be identified by the unaided eye, but without clear segregation of light and dark minerals into bands, can be appropriately called _____.
A. slate                                               C. schist
B. phyllite                                          D. gneiss

19. Which of the following describes the environment in which mylonite can form?
A. Within deeply buried sandstones.
B. Within metamorphic soles of ophiolites.
C. Along edges of plutons, particularly within aureoles.
D. Along ductile faults where syntectonic crystal-plastic processes occur.

20. Zeolites are formed by…
A. contact metamorphism of limestone.
B. contact metamorphism of shale.
C. burial metamorphism of tuff.
D. regional metamorphism of basalt.

21. A well-sorted quartz sandstone could have formed in which of the following environments?
A. lacustrine                                      C. glacial             
B. beach                                            D. stream

22. The following are common cements in detrital sedimentary rocks EXCEPT
A. clay                                                C. hematite
B. silica                                              D. calcite

23. Arksosic sandstones form in which of the following conditions?
A. arid                                                C. glacial
B. wet                                                D. tropical

24. In describing a sample of clastic sedimentary rock, which of the following characteristics is essential?
A. clast size                                       C. clast roundess
B. sorting                                           D. all of the above

25. Presence of sedimentary structure in a rock sample gives a clue on…
A. provenance                                  C. environment of deposition
B. composition                                 D. chemical weathering agent

26. The presence of which of the following minerals will assure you that the dark-colored aphanitic rock sample you have is basalt and NOT andesite?
A. orthopyroxene                                           C. olivine
B. clinopyroxene                                             D. quartz

27. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of igneous rocks?
A. Texture depends to a large extent on the composition of the magma.
B. Rocks with the same mineral composition can have widely varying textures.
C. Generally, rocks containing lots of feldspars and quartz are light-colored.
D. Feldspars are, in general, the most abundant minerals that occur in igneous rocks.

28. The mineral assemblage muscovite-chlorite-quartz is indicative of what metamorphic facies?
A. amphibolite                                                 C. granulite
B. greenschist                                                  D. eclogite

29. Lateritic soils form by…
A. weathering of limestone                         C. weathering of chert
B. weathering of ultramafics                       D. weathering of arkosic sandstone

30. Which of the following is ALWAYS TRUE of a clast-supported sedimentary rock?
A. It is bedded.
B. It is poorly-sorted.
C. It has little or no matrix.
D. It has a gravel matrix.

31. What is the size range of sand?
A. 0.062 – 2mm                               C. 2 – 4mm
B. 0.031 – 1mm                               D. 0.008 – 0.125mm

32. The following are common heavy minerals EXCEPT
A. garnet                                           C. rutile
B. zircon                                            D. fluorite

33. Pressure dissolution can take place once a rock is fully cemented to produce irregular or suture planes called ___________.
A. fractures                                       C. cleavage
B. stylolites                                       D. diaphragm

34. Which of the following is the dominant clay in bentonite, giving it the unusual property of expanding several times its original volume when placed in water?
A. montmorillonite                          C. illites
B. kaolinites                                      D. chlorites

35. The fine-grained (less than 4 microns), usually dark carbonate matrix in limestones is called __________.
A. lime                                 C. micrite
B. stylolite                          D. stromatolite

36. What is the hydrous form of anhydrite?
A. gypsum                          C. barite
B. goethite                         D. apatite

37. Apatite belongs to what mineral group?
A. silicates                          C. carbonates
B. phosphates                   D. sulfates

38. Microcline belongs to what silicate group?
A. inosilicates                    C. cyclosilicates
B. nesosilicates                 D. tectosilicates

39. _______is a dike rock consisting almost entirely of quartz and feldspars, having a characteristic fine-grained sugary texture.
A. aplite                              C. lamprophyre
B. pegmatite                      D. migmatite

40. What is the chemical bonding present in diamond?
A. ionic                                C. metallic
B. covalent                         D. van der Waals

41. Glass is NOT a mineral because…
A. it has impurities                                         C. it is not produced by organisms
B. it is made up of SiO2                                 D. it does not have an ordered internal structure

42. A mineral’s streak can be obtained by…
A. dissolving the mineral in water                            C. scratching the mineral on a harder surface
B. heating the mineral up to 300°C                          D. illuminating the mineral with UV light

43. Based on luster, which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. talc                                  C. calcite
B. biotite                            D. fluorite

44. The basis of the compositional classification of minerals is the _______.
A. luster                              C. density
B. anion                              D. type of chemical bond

45. The basic unit of silicates is composed of….
A. 1 Si atom and 4 oxygen atoms                             C. 2 Si atoms and 1 oxygen atom
B. 1 Si atom and 2 oxygen atom                               D. 4 Si atoms and 1 oxygen atoms

46. Obsidian is formed due to…
A. excess silica                                                               C. very fast cooling of magma
B. high amount of dissolved gases                           D. very high temperature of magma

47. Based on texture, which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. schist                                             C. phyllite
B. gneiss                                            D. quartzite

48. Which of the following can be a protolith of slate?
A. basalt                                            C. mudstone
B. granite                                          D. limestone

49. Which of the following is TRUE about a coarse-grained sedimentary rock having angular clasts?
A. It was transported by groundwater.
B. It was transported at very low velocities.
C. It was deposited in a coastal environment.
D. It was deposited not too far from the source rock.

50. Which of the following refers to the open crystal form made up of two parallel faces?
A. dome                                             C. pinacoid
B. prism                                             D. disphenoid

51. Plagioclase feldspars form, at elevated temperatures, an essentially complete solid solution series.  Which of the following is arranged from pure NaAlSi3O8 to pure CaAl2Si2O8?
A. albite, oligoclase, andesine, bytownite, labradorite, anorthite
B. albite, oligoclase, andesine, labradorite, bytownite, anorthite
C. anorthite, labradorite, bytownite, andesine, oligoclase, albite
D. anorthite, bytownite, labradorite, andesine, oligoclase, albite

52. Which of the following is TRUE about the Becke line when the tube of the microscope is lowered?
A. The line moves toward the mineral/medium having the lower index of refraction.
B. The line moves toward the mineral/medium having the higher index of refraction.
C. The line moves toward the mineral/medium having lower specific gravity.
D. The line moves toward the mineral/medium having higher specific gravity.

53. Which among the following types of twinning is the MOST useful in plagioclase identification?
A. albite                              C. Carlsbad
B. Baveno                           D. Manebach

54. _______ refers to a texture of plutonic igneous rocks where large grains of feldspar enclose many small imperfectly developed quartz crystals, resembling ancient writing.
A. graphic                           C. Schlieren
B. gneissic                          D. skialith

55. Which of the following refers to the closed crystal form composed of six faces of which the three faces at the top alternate with the three faces at the bottom, the two sets of faces being offset by 60°?
A. cube                                C. rhombohedron
B. dipyramid                      D. trapezohedron

56. Which of the following describes Riecke’s principle?
A. Solution takes place at points of greatest pressure in a crystal, with concurrent precipitation at the area of least pressure.
B. Water and other volatiles may be transferred from one igneous body to the surrounding rocks as juvenile water.
C. Hydrostatic pressure, operating equally in all directions, is largely determined by depth.
D. Thermal gradient increases with depth.

57. Which of the following refers to the globular mineral aggregates resembling a bunch of grapes?
A. globular                         B. reniform                        C. botryoidal                     D. mammillary
58. What mineral was used in fireworks to give a brilliant white light when mixed with saltpeter and ignited? Today, artificial arsenic sulfide is used for this purpose.
A. realgar                           B. orpiment                        C. cinnabar                        D. stibnite
59. Which of the following is NOT a variety of gypsum?
A. alabaster                       B. selenite                          C. satin spar                      D. soda niter

60.  Which of the following is TRUE about extinction of a mineral?
A. The vibration directions of the slow and fast rays are parallel to the planes of vibration of the polarizers.
B. The vibration directions of the slow and fast rays are perpendicular to the planes of vibration of the polarizers.
C. The order of color increases when the mica plate is inserted.
D. The order of color decreases when the mica plate is inserted.

61. How do isotropic minerals look like under crossed polars?
A. give a play of colors when the stage is rotated
B. display only one dominant color, usually red
C. remain colorless when stage is rotated
D. remain dark when the stage is rotated

62. Which of the following refers to the green variety of microcline?
A. aventurine                                    C. jadeite
B. amazonstone                               D. emerald

63. Which of the following DOES NOT describe galena?
A. PbS                                  C. dull
B. cubic                               D. lead-gray

64. ______refers to the appearance of a cabochon gemstone in which a band of light appears at right angles to the length of the fibers or direction of the inclusions in the mineral.
A. asterism                         C. chatoyancy
B. iridescence                    D. luminescence

65. Which of the following DOES NOT have polymorph minerals?
A. chalcopyrite                  C. calcite
B. diamond                        D. pyrite

66. _______are intrusive rocks occurring as veins, dikes or patches with extremely coarse texture having crystals over several feet in length and several inches in diameter.
A. aplite                                             C. lamprophyre
B. pegmatite                                     D. migmatite

67. A properly ground thin section shows a remarkable degree of transparency. What thickness of the rock chip should be achieved for this?
A. 0.01 mm                                       C. 0.05 mm
B. 0.03 mm                                       D. 0.07 mm

68. If a thin section of quartzite has the correct thickness (answer in Question #67), quartz grains with horizontally-oriented optic axes should show the highest order of interference color of ________.
A. pale yellow                                  C. white
B. blue gray                                      D. orange

69. The polarizing microscope utilizes two polars.  What is another name for the polars?
A. condensers                                   C. nicol prisms
B. Bertrand lens                               D. compensators

70. _______is the possession of more than one index of refraction.
A. interference                                 C. extinction
B. birefringence                               D. retardation

71. When an anisotropic mineral appears dark between crossed polars, it is said to be in the position of __________.
A. interference                                 C. extinction
B. birefringence                               D. retardation

72. Which of the following should you do first in the adjustment of the polarizing microscope for examination of thin sections?
A. Crossing the polars
B. Testing the cross hairs
C. Centering the stage with the field
D. Determining the vibration plane of the lower polar

73. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about orthoscopic observation?
A. provides the eye with a realistic virtual image
B. observed under crossed or uncrossed polars
C. does not need an inserted quartz wedge
D. needs the Bertrand lens to be observed

74. Minerals under the following crystal systems yield biaxial interference figures EXCEPT…
A. triclinic                                          C. hexagonal
B. monoclinic                                   D. orthorhombic

75. Which of the following is TRUE about a uniaxial positive mineral cut perpendicular to the optic axis when viewed with an inserted gypsum plate?
A. The quadrants parallel to the slow-ray vibration direction of the plate are colored blue.
B. The quadrants parallel to the fast-ray vibration direction of the plate are colored blue.
C. The black cross moves from the center towards the direction of the slow-ray of the plate.
D. The black cross remains at the center, but the colored bands move outward to the edges.

76. Anisotropic minerals exhibit a change in color as the stage is rotated known as ______.
A. opalescence                  C. asterism
B. pleochroism                  D. polymorphism

77. ______ are dike rocks made up of more than one-third dark minerals.
A. aplite                              C. lamprophyre
B. pegmatite                      D. migmatite

78. Which of the following refers to altered tuff?
A. adobe                             C. caliche
B. bentonite                       D. diabase
79. Lapis lazuli is a mixture of mineral ________ together with small amounts of calcite, pyroxene and other silicates. As a powder, lapis lazuli was formerly used as the paint pigment ultramarine.
A. lazurite                          B. lazulite                           C. turquoise                      D. azurite
80. What is the chemical formula of chalcopyrite?
A. Cu2S                                B. Cu3AsS4                          C. CuFeS2                            D. Cu5FeS4
81. Moonstone is a special name given to _______ because it shows an opalescent play of colors.
A. quartz                            B. adularia                          C. talc                   D. garnet
82. What is the chemical formula of bornite?
A. Cu2S                                B. Cu3AsS4                          C. CuFeS2             D. Cu5FeS4
83. What is the volcanic equivalent of granodiorite?
A. andesite                         B. rhyolite                          C. trachyte                         D. dacite
84. ________ refers to a calcareous material deposited from spring waters (frequently thermal springs) under atmospheric conditions.
A. Iceland spar                  B. travertine                      C. satin spar                      D. chalk
85. What metamorphic facies represents the most deep-seated conditions of metamorphism and characterized by pyrope-rich garnet and omphacite minerals common in kimberlite pipes?
A. eclogite                         B. granulite                        C. amphibolites                 D. greenschist
86. Mineral X can scratch mineral Y and the fingernail. The fingernail can scratch mineral Y but not mineral X. Mineral Y can scratch the fingernail but not mineral X. What is the hardness of mineral Y?
A. greater than 2.5                         C. equal to 2.5
B. less than 2.5                                D. cannot be determined

87. Which of the following is TRUE in the F (phi) scale for particle grain size?
A. uses inches as unit of measure
B. uses millimeters as unit of measure
C. number becomes higher as grain size increases
D. number becomes smaller as grain size increases

88. What mineral or rock is the “Zambales Jade”?
A. uvarovite                       B. malachite                      C. sericite schist                              D. serpentinite
89. What mineral or rock is the “Mindoro Jade”?
A. uvarovite                       C. sericite schist
B. malachite                      D. serpentinite

90. Bragg Equation, which is expressed as nl=2d sinq, is about…
A. extinction                      C. birefringence
B. polarization                   D. x-ray diffraction

91. Which is the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust?
A. oxygen                           C. iron
B. magnesium                   D. silicon
92. Opal is a ______.
A. mineral                          B. mineraloid                     C. crystal             D. fossil

93. Basalt can have any of the following descriptions EXCEPT…
A. amygdaloidal                C. vesiculated
B. banded                           D. aphanitic

94. Which of the following refers to a solid solution of Ag and Hg?
A. amalgam                       B. electrum                        C. taenite                           D. kamacite
95. What mineral is called the “peacock ore”?
A. lazurite                          B. bornite                           C. galena                            D. sphalerite
96. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about calcite?
A. It is a carbonate.
B. It effervesces in cold acid.
C. It has a hardness of 3 on all faces.
D. It is under the hexagonal crystal system.

97. What is a diagnostic feature of barite?
A. white color                   C. low hardness
B. pearly luster  D. high specific gravity

98. Tourmaline is easily recognizable by its ______ form.
A. rhombohedral                                            C. cubic
B. trigonal prismatic                       D. spherical

99. Mica and biotite can be easily differentiated by their ______.
A. color                C. luster
B. hardness                        D. cleavage

100. The presence of what mineral can help differentiate gabbro from diorite?
A. plagioclase                    C. biotite
B. pyroxene                       D. olivine


  1. may possible po ba to lalabas sa November 2022 board exam po?

    1. That's the thing with board exams; we really don't know what the fuck would be there. I have no idea but it could be po.

      All we have to do is read and read. Just like what I always say, paramihan ng nabasa and naintindihan. You should be voracious with what you read po.
