Friday, November 11, 2022

Moving Abroad

 Currently, life is promising.

I've never imagined that 2022 is gonna be my year. A lot has change for me. Whether it be financially or mentally, I think everything changed, and keeps on changing, for the better.

The world is bigger now; my perspective no longer caged within a limiting and suffocating box. Everyday I get to meet people from all walks of life. Being able to hear outlandish and courageous stories first hand made me a more accepting person.

There is a lot of going ons in my life. All of a sudden, before me are thresholds of seemingly endless possibilities, choices and places to see. My feet can't and won't stand to just be still. I am always on the go.

For the first time ever, I can truly say that I am happy. There is joy. There is hope

Although some things in the past kinda haunts me from day to day especially now that I am not getting enough sun, I still think that I am able to say that I am way better than who I am a year ago.

This is truly a life-changing experience.