Thursday, August 13, 2020

COVID-19 in the Philippines is so SAD

 It has been awhile since the last time that I upload a reviewer here or any geology-related shit. I was actually preparing a reviewer related to GOP but for some reason, I haven't had the energy to actually finish it.

I feel like I am stuck in some kind of a limbo; not knowing what's in store for me in the future because I can't really do much about anything because of the current situation. University is close, my office is not allowing people anymore to work there because of increasing cases in the building and my daily language lesson is getting harder and harder as time progresses. I applied for a new online course but I feel like learning doesn't even interest me now unlike before. I don't like throwing around psychology-related words because I always aim to be as politically-correct as possible but I think this must be depression. The whole quarantine thing since March is really taking its toll on me.

All my plans I've set prior to this whole COVID thing looks bleak. I am not excited anymore about the future because, to be honest, can we still have THAT future wherein we can be as care-free as we want?

Here in the Philippines, the current administration always say that we shouldn't be blaming anyone for this except ourselves, the citizens. I find this insulting and insensitive; a great slap in the face of the Filipino people. They always say that if we are not "pasaways" (which can be translated in English as uncontrollable, hard-headed, stubborn and contrarian), the cases will not be as high as it is right now. But let's go back a couple of months ago, let's say as early as February. Everyone is calling out to ban all travels from China but Duque and Duterte said that everything's under control and that they don't want to offend this country who's taking some of our territories in the West Philippine Sea. They say that, "Prevention is always better than cure," and I think this current administration failed the Filipino people in that matter.

From there, it all went downhill so fast. Cases continue to increase, Chinese citizens can still freely fly in here whenever they want, government officials throwing parties and not really care about social distancing (these people are the ones who tested positive for the virus most of the time). It became really annoying to hear the news everyday; seeing this administration not have any solid plans to fight the virus, the health professionals exposing government officials who want to be prioritize for testing, the missing funds, the new law that threatens the democracy of the country (and bills being pass everyday to keep the Filipinos from fighting this confining regime) and the show and all the fake news that these clowns are putting up for the public.

To be honest, I am in awe of these people. I am not afraid of them or their capability to kill me because of how I think and feel for them, but I am in awe by the mere fact that they feel untouchable. I think they have this blind notion that all of this will last forever and that they are unshakable and inviolable as long as they want. They think and decide as if everything will not have a consequence because they are currently in power. I don't know but if we're going to look back in history, everyone has a downfall.

I just hope that everything will be over very soon. The virus subsiding, this administration calming the f down and making plans for the people and our health professionals finally having the rest that they deserve.

Oh, before I forget. I don't think that the common people are the pasaways. Let's just look at the cases and the people that are currently infected.